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Advanced Semiconductor Nanotechnologies

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Quick Overview

  • University University of Magdeburg
  • Degree Master
  • Degree Master of Science, M.Sc.
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Mode of admission local admisssion restriction
  • Beginning Students First-year students can only apply or register for the winter semester.
  • Standard period of study (amount) 4 semesters
  • Study Mode (elucidation) full time; part time
  • Location (main / branches campus) Magdeburg
  • Admission semester winter semester
  • Subject

    Das Electrical Engineering gehört zum Studienbereiche Electrical Engineering der Fächergruppe Engineering Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich Electrical Engineering.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Engineering Sciences.

    Electrical Engineering

    Das Engineering Physics gehört zum Studienbereiche Engineering Physics der Fächergruppe Engineering Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich Engineering Physics.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Engineering Sciences.

    Engineering Physics

  • Field of study
    • Main instruction language English
  • Access and Admission Requirements
    • Mode of admission local admisssion restriction
    • Admission semester winter semester
    • BSc or university diploma or comparable academic degree in Electrical Engineering/Physics or in a closely related degree course. Proof of English language skills at "Certificate of Advanced English C" level (equivalent certificates are listed in the study and examination regulations) must be provided.

      The application must be accompanied by a letter of motivation with a maximum of 1,000 words, explaining the reasons for and objectives of the choice of degree course.
    • Completion of first university degree Bachelor/Bakkalaureus

      For this degree programme, you should have gained your first university qualification in one of the following subjects groups or areas of study:
      • Area of study: Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics
    • Further admission requirements Application letter / personal statement
  • University-wide Dates and Deadlines
  • Contact / contact person
    • International Students and applicants are kindly requested to contact the International Office:
    • Akademisches Auslandsamt
    • Street address Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg
    • Postal/mail address 4120, 39016 Magdeburg
    • Phone 0391 67-18515
    • Fax 0391 67-11132
    • akaa(at)
    • Internetpage of the institution
    • Contact / contact person for this program
    • Bezeichnung Kontaktstelle Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften
    • Contact person Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. André Strittmatter
    • Street address Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg
    • Phone 0391 / 67-58347
    • Fax 0391 / 67-41130
    • Allgemeine Studienberatung
    • Street address Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg
    • Phone 0391 67-57103
    • studienberatung(at)
    • Internetpage of the institution
    • Contact Herr Hanna Astafan
    • Function Studienberater
    • Phone 0391 67-57103
    • Fax 0391 67-11140
    • hanna1.astafan(at)
  • University Portrait
    Getting ahead at the University of Magdeburg

    The OVGU is a profile university. It strives for a sharply contoured and lean structure, which has a traditional focus on engineering and natural sciences as well as medicine, and sees economics, social sciences and humanities as indispensable disciplines for a modern university. The university comprises 9 faculties, the university administration, the rectorate and central institutions.
    According to the mission statement of the OVGU, the primary task is to advance the state of education and science through teaching and research. In accordance with its name, the university feels committed to the person of Otto von Guericke. His name stands for the application of scientific methods, the pursuit of innovation and new knowledge, and the assumption of social responsibility for present and future generations.

    Icon: uebersicht
    sees its main task as raising the standard of education and scholarship through teaching and research
    Icon: uebersicht
    stands for the application of scientific methods, the pursuit of innovation and new knowledge, and the assumption of social responsibility
    Technical, social, cultural and political development and design of living spaces

    Teaching at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg is oriented towards the goal of educating students to become creative and critical people, equipping them with problem-solving skills, the ability to work in a team, intercultural knowledge and a sense of responsibility. Committed to the freedom of teaching, it focuses on a scientific foundation of solutions and an associated critical attitude that is permanently ready to learn.
    The university's teaching is characterized by diverse forms of communication that enable and challenge independent acquisition of knowledge and handling of problems and tasks. As a cooperation partner for the Olympic Training Center of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, the University of Magdeburg offers competitive athletes ideal study conditions.

    Icon: studium
    aim to deliver a very high standard of scientific education that is based on the latest research developments
    Icon: studium
    it focuses on a scientific foundation of solutions and an associated critical attitude that is permanently ready to learn
    Research & Transfer

    The OVGU addresses the diversity of both national and global societal challenges. This concerns technical, health and ecological issues; but also ethical, cultural, social and economic problems are the subject of scientific-methodical consideration, conceptualization and reflection.
    As a pioneer of technological development, the University of Magdeburg is increasingly becoming an interface between science and industry. Scientists at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg advise and support important and forward-looking projects of the city, the state or regional companies with their expertise. As engineers, economists, sociologists, physicians or computer scientists, they are indispensable partners in regional and supra-regional networks with their knowledge and thus play a decisive role in the prosperous development of the state capital.

    Icon: forschung
    addresses the diversity of national and global societal challenges
    Icon: forschung
    is increasingly becoming an interface between science and industry
    Cosmopolitan university

    In the spirit of a cosmopolitan university, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg maintains over 300 partnerships with 245 institutions in 60 countries at university, faculty and institute level. Magdeburg University pursues the goal of increasing its international visibility and attractiveness in order to remain an attractive place to learn and work for outstanding scientists and students from all over the world. Already, Magdeburg University is above the national average with more than 26.3 percent of foreign students from more than 100 nations. About 11 percent of the teaching staff come from abroad.

    Icon: international
    maintains over 300 partnerships with 245 institutions in 60 countries at university, faculty and institute level
    Icon: international
    more than 26.3 percent of foreign students from more than 100 nations
    Picture University of Magdeburg
    students of University of Magdeburg
    university campus University of Magdeburg
    One student wears a cap and the other does an experiment on his brain

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