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Your search criteria Study Type: Undergraduate

Teaching and Learning (Teaching Qualification)

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Quick Overview

  • University Leuphana University Lüneburg
  • Degree Bachelor's degree
  • Degree Bachelor of Arts, B.A.
  • Study Type Undergraduate
  • Mode of admission local admisssion restriction
  • Beginning Students First-year students can only apply or register for the winter semester.
  • Application Deadline for Selection Process The deadline for the Summer Semester 2023 has expired
  • Standard period of study (amount) 6 semesters
  • Study Mode (elucidation) full time; part time
  • Location (main / branches campus) Lüneburg
  • Admission semester winter semester
  • Subject

    Das Educational Sciences gehört zum Studienbereiche Pedagogy, Educational Sciences der Fächergruppe Humanities and Social Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich Pedagogy, Educational Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Humanities and Social Sciences.

    Educational Sciences

    Das Pedagogy (Teaching Degree) gehört zum Studienbereiche School Subjects der Fächergruppe Teaching Degrees.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich School Subjects.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Teaching Degrees.

    Pedagogy (Teaching Degree)

    Das Psychology gehört zum Studienbereiche Psychology der Fächergruppe Humanities and Social Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich Psychology.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Humanities and Social Sciences.


  • Areas of Concentration Didactics and Methodology, Educational Research, Education and Learning, Health Psychology, Practical School Studies, Psychology of Teaching and Learning, Social and Developmental Psychology, Speech Training, Theory of School Education, Theory of School Education
  • Field of study
    • Teaching degree via Master possible for...
      • primary schools (Grundschulen)
      • secondary schools at all kind of schools (Sekunddarstufe I, classes 5-10)
    • Main instruction language German
    • Obligatory combination with other fields of study Yes
    • Annotation of the Higher Education Institution During the Bachelor's degree programme in Teaching and Learning for Teachers (Primary Schools, German Lower Secondary Schools, German Intermediate Secondary Schools and German Upper Secondary Schools), you will study two teaching subjects of your choice.

      An overview of the choice of teaching subjects can be found at:

      At Leuphana College, the Bachelor's degree programme in Teaching and Learning allows you to set your own priorities for later professional tasks as a teacher.

      Regardless of the teaching subjects and the type of school (primary schools, German lower secondary schools, German intermediate secondary schools and German upper secondary schools), you can choose one of the three profiles:
      -Inclusion and Diversity
      -Digital Teaching and Learning
      -Language Education in Social Diversity
    • Course Website
    • Akkreditierungsrat Logo
      Link to the programme in the Accreditation Council database
  • Access and Admission Requirements
    • Mode of admission local admisssion restriction
    • Admission semester winter semester
    • The Leuphana Universität Lüneburg has its own admission procedure for the Bachelor's degree course. In addition to the grade of a valid qualification for admission to higher education, particular skills, experience and extra-curricular achievements such as being a school spokesperson, stays abroad or voluntary work are taken into consideration.
      more information regarding admission requirements
  • Programme Dates and Deadlines
  • Tuition Fee
    • Tuition fee more information regarding tuition fees
    • Annotation to the tuition fee At the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg tuition fees are only charged for the career-integrated degree courses. All other degree courses are only subject to semester contributions.
  • Contact / contact person

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