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Your search criteria Study Type: Second cycle


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Quick Overview

  • University University of Wuppertal
  • Degree Master of Education (secondary/intermediate secondary and comprehensive schools)
  • Degree Master of Education, M.Ed.
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Mode of admission without admission restriction
  • Standard period of study (amount) 4 semesters
  • Study Mode (elucidation) full time
  • Location (main / branches campus) Wuppertal
  • Admission semester summer and winter semester
  • Subject

    Das Biology (Teaching Degree) gehört zum Studienbereiche School Subjects der Fächergruppe Teaching Degrees.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich School Subjects.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Teaching Degrees.

    Biology (Teaching Degree)

  • Field of study
    • Teaching degree for...
      • secondary schools at all kind of schools (Sekunddarstufe I, classes 5-10)
    • Target group Graduates from Bachelor degree courses with the aim of training to teach at primary, secondary and intermediate schools as well as corresponding school years at comprehensive schools
    • kind of Master course according to the KMK consecutive
    • Main instruction language German
  • Access and Admission Requirements
    • Mode of admission without admission restriction
    • Admission semester summer and winter semester
    • The degree and subject-specific admission requirements for the Master of Education Teaching Qualification for Intermediate Schools, German Lower Secondary Schools and Comprehensive Schools are met by applicants who
      1. Have completed a Bachelor's degree or a comparable course of study,
      2. Continue one or several of the courses of study that have previously been completed in selected subjects in the course variants 1 and 2 for the Master of Education Teaching Qualification for Intermediate Schools, German Lower Secondary Schools and Comprehensive Schools,
      3. Can demonstrate at least 61 credit points in Bachelor's studies for each selected subject (without including the final thesis) in accordance with the subject-specific admission requirements specified in the subject-specific conditions, of which at least 9 credit points should be in subject-related didactic studies,
      4. Provide proof of at least 36 credit points in Educational Sciences, including an inductive teaching placement lasting at least 1 month and at least 4 weeks of professional experience, either extra-curricular or in-school experience, as part of the Bachelor's degree, in accordance with Section 7 LZV (German Teacher Training Enrolment Regulations),
      5. Provide evidence of a Bachelor's thesis amounting to at least 10 credit points, and
      6. Provide proof of achievements that are relevant for admission to the Master's course in accordance with numbers 3-5 and that amount to at least 180 credit points, if applicable deducting credit points that are accepted for the Master's degree, of which at least 31 credit points have been completed at a university, a college of art or music or at Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln.
      For the subjects of Art, Music and Sport, there must also be a clearly defined separate grade for subject-related practical Bachelor's studies. This is an admission requirement. The submission of evidence of these graded accomplishments is assessed as part of the course and subject-specific admission requirements.

      For admission to the Master's degree course, knowledge of 2 foreign languages must also be demonstrated, generally with a qualification for admission to higher education. Applicants with a first language other than German who have gained their qualification for admission to higher education in German only need to provide proof that they are competent in one other language (at least level A2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
      For admission to the degree course variants English, French, History, Catholic Religious Studies and Spanish, the Latinum (Latin language examination) is recommended. For admission to the degree course variant in Philosophy, the Latinum or Graecum (Latin or Greek language examination) is recommended. For admission to the degree course variant in Protestant Religious Education, the Graecum and either the Latinum or Hebraicum (Greek, Latin, Hebrew language examination) is recommended.
      For admission to the degree course variants English, French or Spanish and combinations of these degree courses, a minimum period of 3 months studying abroad must also be demonstrated. Stays abroad that have been completed before enrolment on the previous Bachelor's degree course can be recognised if the stay took place not more than 6 years ago at the time of enrolment on the Master of Education Teaching Qualification for Intermediate Schools, German Lower Secondary Schools and Comprehensive Schools. It is recommended that the stay abroad must be completed in a country in which the language studied is a national language or official language. In the case of a combination of the named degree course variants, another stay abroad of a similar length is recommended.
      more information regarding admission requirements
    • Completion of first university degree Bachelor/Bakkalaureus
      (and other qualifications, provided that they are recognised as being equivalent)
  • University-wide Dates and Deadlines
    • Sommersemester 2025
      • Lecture period
      • Die Vorlesungszeiten sind NRW-weit festgelegt und können unter eingesehen werden.
    • Wintersemester 2024/2025
      • Lecture period
      • Die Vorlesungszeiten sind NRW-weit festgelegt und können unter eingesehen werden.
  • Contact / contact person