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Your search criteria Study Type: Second cycle


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Quick Overview

  • University University of Giessen
  • Degree Master
  • Degree Master of Science, M.Sc.
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Mode of admission without admission restriction
  • Beginning Students First-year students can only apply or register for the winter semester.
  • Standard period of study (amount) 4 semesters
  • Study Mode (elucidation) full time; international course
  • Location (main / branches campus) Gießen
  • Admission semester winter semester
  • Subject

    Das Biotechnology gehört zum Studienbereiche Bioengineering der Fächergruppe Engineering Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich Bioengineering.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Engineering Sciences.


  • Field of study
    • Target group Graduates of a Bachelor’s degree study course in Agricultural Sciences or a comparable profile
    • kind of Master course according to the KMK consecutive
    • Main instruction language English
  • Access and Admission Requirements
    • Mode of admission without admission restriction
    • Admission semester winter semester
    • The admission requirements are:

      • A bachelor‘s degree with at least 180 ECTS credits in agriculture, nutrition, natural or environmental sciences, economics, or political science.

      • Proof of English language proficiency:
      1. either: TOEFL-Test ITB (internet-based test) with at least 95 points or IELTS-Test with at least grade of 7 in the academic test;
      2. or: Proof of obtaining a local higher education entrance qualification in one of the following countries: Australia, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, USA, United Kingdom, South Africa;
      3. or: Proof of a Bachelor’s degree in English in one of the following countries: Australia, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, USA, United Kingdom, South Africa;
      4. or: Proof of the UNIcert III certificate.
      more information regarding admission requirements
    • Completion of first university degree Bachelor/Bakkalaureus
      (and other qualifications, provided that they are recognised as being equivalent)
  • Programme Dates and Deadlines
  • Contact / contact person