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Your search criteria Study Type: Second cycle

Road Traffic Engineering

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Quick Overview

  • University West Saxon University of Applied Sciences of Zwickau
  • Degree Master of Science (MSc)
  • Degree Master of Science, M.Sc.
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Mode of admission local admisssion restriction
  • Beginning Students First-year students can only apply or register for the winter semester.
  • Standard period of study (amount) 4 semesters
  • Study Mode (elucidation) full time
  • Location (main / branches campus) Zwickau
  • Admission semester winter semester
  • Subject

    Das Traffic Engineering gehört zum Studienbereiche Vehicle and Traffic Engineering der Fächergruppe Engineering Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich Vehicle and Traffic Engineering.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Engineering Sciences.

    Traffic Engineering

  • Areas of Concentration Intelligent Traffic Systems, Interaction Vehicle-Road and Vehicle-Vehicle, Road planning, Simulation of Traffic Flows, Traffic Flow Optimisation
  • Field of study
    • Target group The degree in Road Traffic Engineering is designed to train experts who are able to develop and implement complex road traffic concepts that optimise traffic flow, plan and measure road traffic systems that meet telematics requirements, and simulate traffic flow on them. With their professional and linguistic skills, they are able to work in international teams and manage international projects around the world as experts.
    • Main instruction language English
    • Annotation of the Higher Education Institution Efficient road traffic is a significant economic factor all over the world. But the space for the construction of roads is limited. Intelligent traffic management systems and extensive data communication between infrastructure, drivers and vehicles are necessary to ensure the flow of traffic. This requires equipping the street space with information and communication facilities as well as appropriate dimensioning of road traffic systems. Since such traffic projects are increasingly taking place in the international context, engineers are in demand who are able to communicate in a foreign language, mostly English, professionally.

      The course in Road Traffic Engineering is to train precisely such specialists. They are able to develop and implement complex and traffic-flow-optimised road traffic concepts as well as to dimension and design road traffic systems that meet telematics requirements and to simulate traffic flow on such systems. With their professional and linguistic skills, they are able to work in international teams and manage international projects around the world as experts.

      Students learn about, for example, data exchange, intelligent traffic systems, traffic flow optimisation, vehicle-road and vehicle-vehicle interactions, dimensioning and design of contemporary road traffic systems, simulation of traffic flows as well as foreign-language specialist communication. The course is taught mainly in English (around 70 per cent).
    • Course Website
  • Access and Admission Requirements
    • Mode of admission local admisssion restriction
    • Admission semester winter semester

    • more information regarding admission requirements
    • Completion of first university degree Bachelor/Bakkalaureus, Diplom, Diplom (FH)
      (and other qualifications, provided that they are recognised as being equivalent)
    • Required language skills
    • Required minimum language skills that must be proven by passing one or more of the following language tests:
      • Other English language certificates: Level B2
  • Programme Dates and Deadlines
  • Tuition Fee
    • Annotation to the tuition fee No tuition fees
  • Contact / contact person

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