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Sustainable Chemistry

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Quick Overview

  • University Leuphana University Lüneburg
  • Degree Master of Science
  • Degree Master of Science, M.Sc.
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Mode of admission local admisssion restriction
  • Application Deadline for Beginning Students 10.12.2025
    Bewerbungsfrist: 10. Dezember eines Jahres
  • Standard period of study (amount) 4 semesters
  • Study Mode (elucidation) dual system; including practical semester; international course; part time degree programmes for professionals
  • Location (main / branches campus) Lüneburg
  • Admission semester summer semester
  • Subject

    Das Chemistry gehört zum Studienbereiche Chemistry der Fächergruppe Mathematics, Natural Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Mathematics, Natural Sciences.


    Das Environmental Science gehört zum Studienbereiche Environmental Sciences der Fächergruppe Mathematics, Natural Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich Environmental Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Mathematics, Natural Sciences.

    Environmental Science

    Das Sustainability Sciences (Ecological) gehört zum Studienbereiche Environmental Sciences der Fächergruppe Mathematics, Natural Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich Environmental Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Mathematics, Natural Sciences.

    Sustainability Sciences (Ecological)

  • Areas of Concentration Agenda 2030, Circular Economy, Environmental Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Recycling, Resources, Sustainability Review, Sustainable Chemistry, Sustainable Development
  • Field of study
    • Target group Professionals with an academic education in Chemistry, chemical- Biotechnological or Environmental Engineering, Pharmacy, Biochemistry or similar (Bachelor or Master) and at least one year work experience in a relevant environment
    • kind of Master course according to the KMK providing further education
    • Main instruction language English
    • Digital teaching and learning units E-Learning, Blended Learning
    • Annotation of the Higher Education Institution Chemistry plays an indispensable role in dealing with current problems such as climate change, pollution or the use of resources. At the same time, basic innovations in chemistry are often the prerequisite for innovations in other technologies, for example in the context of digitisation, renewable energies, electronics or mobility. In the extra-occupational English-language Master Sustainable Chemistry (M.Sc.), students learn how chemistry can and must contribute to sustainable development issues. The degree program is unique worldwide with its interdisciplinary focus on sustainability. The study content ranges from the level of the molecule to global material flows, sustainability assessments and new business models for chemical products. The Master is aimed at professionals with an academic education in Chemistry, Chemical, Biotechnological or Environmental Engineering, Pharmacy, Biochemistry or similar subjects, as well as one year of relevant work experience.
    • Course Website
  • Access and Admission Requirements
    • Mode of admission local admisssion restriction
    • Admission semester summer semester
    • University degree in Chemistry, Biotechnology or Environmental Engineering, Pharmacy, Biochemistry or related fields (B.Sc. or M.Sc.) \; at least one year of relevant professional experience \; advanced English (e.g. TOEFL internet-based with at least 83 points)
      more information regarding admission requirements
    • Completion of first university degree Bachelor/Bakkalaureus, Diplom, Diplom (FH), Master
      (and other qualifications, provided that they are recognised as being equivalent)

      Minimum requirements for first university degree:
      • Required ECTS credits: 180
    • Required language skills
    • Required minimum language skills that must be proven by passing one or more of the following language tests:
      • Cambridge (English): mit mindestens Level C1, Grade B
      • IELTS (English): (Academic Version) mit mindestens 6.5 Punkten
      • TOEFL IBT (English): mit mindestens 92 Punkten
      • TOEIC (English): 4 Skills Test mit mindestens 720 Punkten im Bereich listening and reading und 310 Punkten im Bereich speaking and writing
      • Other English language certificates: auf Antrag: andere gängige Testverfahren mit äquivalentem Punktwert
    • Required practical experience In addition to completing your first university degree, you need the following practical experience to be admitted onto this degree programme:
      • 1 year Work experience in the field of relevant environment
    • Further admission requirements CV
  • Programme Dates and Deadlines
  • Tuition Fee
    • Tuition fee 19.000 EUR / gesamt
      more information regarding tuition fees
    • Annotation to the tuition fee For the career integrated Master in Sustainable Chemistry, a total of EUR 19,000 tuition fees are to be applied. In addition, semester fees are to be paid per semester.
  • Contact / contact person

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