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Your search criteria Study Type: Second cycle

Transcultural History of the Modern Age

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Quick Overview

  • University European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
  • Degree Master
  • Degree Master of Arts, M.A.
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Mode of admission without admission restriction
  • Deadline for Beginning Students 01.12.2024 — 15.03.2025
  • Standard period of study (amount) 4 semesters
  • Study Mode (elucidation) full time; part time
  • Location (main / branches campus) Frankfurt (Oder)
  • Admission semester summer and winter semester
  • Subject

    Das Cultural History gehört zum Studienbereiche Cultural Studies der Fächergruppe Language and Cultural Studies.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich Cultural Studies.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Language and Cultural Studies.

    Cultural History

    Das Cultural Studies gehört zum Studienbereiche Cultural Studies der Fächergruppe Language and Cultural Studies.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich Cultural Studies.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Language and Cultural Studies.

    Cultural Studies

    Das Early Modern History gehört zum Studienbereiche History, Ancient Studies der Fächergruppe Language and Cultural Studies.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich History, Ancient Studies.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Language and Cultural Studies.

    Early Modern History

    Das Media Culture gehört zum Studienbereiche Cultural Studies der Fächergruppe Language and Cultural Studies.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich Cultural Studies.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Language and Cultural Studies.

    Media Culture

    Das Modern History gehört zum Studienbereiche History, Ancient Studies der Fächergruppe Language and Cultural Studies.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich History, Ancient Studies.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Language and Cultural Studies.

    Modern History

    Das Political Science gehört zum Studienbereiche Political Sciences der Fächergruppe Humanities and Social Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zum Studienbereich Political Sciences.

    Weitere Informationen zur Fächergruppe Humanities and Social Sciences.

    Political Science

  • Areas of Concentration Business Cultures, Central and Eastern Europe, Conflict and Violence History, Cultural History, Culture, Europe, Modern Age, Science Culture
  • Field of study
    • Target group Studierende mit einem geschichtswissenschaftlichen Bachelor-Abschluss oder mit einem anderen Bachelor-Abschluss mit historischem Bezug
    • kind of Master course according to the KMK consecutive
    • Main instruction language German
    • Further language(s) English
    • Annotation of the Higher Education Institution Europe faces a double challenge in the 21st century: internally, European societies are working towards a mutual understanding of cultural self-images and on the better compatibility of different economic and political systems – within and outside of the European Union. Externally, they have to reposition themselves in a hitherto unknown dynamic of global interdependencies. Fracture and conflict lines that have long been overlooked are currently emerging again in both processes. Dealing with these problems requires a sound understanding of their historic backgrounds, which this degree course opens up from a cultural studies perspective.

      The degree course problematises Europe and the modernity emanating from Europe as formations that have emerged from both common features and diversity since the early modern period. This diversity had an enriching effect, but also led to conflicts: political, economic, social and religious disputes and interpretive clashes. Their often violent resolution is a specific feature of European history, from the process of colonial expansion to present-day conflicts. At the same time, exchange with other regions of the world and the cultural diversity within the continent have also produced particularly dense tangible and intangible interdependencies. Without them, one cannot understand the political and economic upheavals that began around 1800 and the dominance of Europe that lasted well into the 20th century. Against this background, the degree course also enables an understanding of the disasters of the 20th century and current political, cultural and economic crises.

      To achieve this, this degree course not only imparts genuine historiography skills, but also incorporates approaches from literature and art theory as well as philosophy. From a transcultural perspective, it focuses on the exchange processes between different European and non-European cultural constellations. This perspective makes it possible to address European constructions of one's own history, which has become culturally foreign in many ways, and to cross the boundaries between disciplines and scientific cultures.

      The degree course is problem- and research-oriented. It strengthens key competencies and imparts relevant interdisciplinary knowledge that opens up career paths in various directions. In project seminars, it also imparts practical knowledge, usually in cooperation with non-university institutions such as archives, memorials, museums, international NGOs or exhibition organisers. Frankfurt (Oder) and its German-Polish environs as well as nearby Berlin form a historical landscape in which the temporal strata of the recent past are closely layered in their legacies.

      The degree programme thus opens up relevant career prospects, e.g. in museums, archives, libraries, in historical research, in adult education and political education, in the foreign service, in companies and local authorities, in associations, foundations and parties and in the media sector in general.
    • Course Website
  • Access and Admission Requirements
    • Mode of admission without admission restriction
    • Admission semester summer and winter semester
    • Erster berufsqualifizierender Hochschulabschluss im Umfang von 180 ECTS-Credits
      Mind. 30 ECTS-Credits mit einschlägig historischem Bezug (u. a. Rechtsgeschichte, Literaturgeschichte, Wirtschaftsgeschichte)
      more information regarding admission requirements
    • Completion of first university degree Bachelor/Bakkalaureus
      (and other qualifications, provided that they are recognised as being equivalent)
    • Required language skills
    • Required minimum language skills that must be proven by passing one or more of the following language tests:
      • Other English language certificates: Englisch auf dem Niveau B2
  • Programme Dates and Deadlines
  • Tuition Fee
  • Contact / contact person

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