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Constructor University

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Quick Overview

  • University Constructor University
  • Faculty / department School of Science
  • Subjects Engineering
  • Academic degrees PhD
  • Access and Admission Requirements
    • 3.1 Admission
      The Dean’s letter of admission is the only valid and official offer of admission issued by the university. Prerequisite for the enrollment as a PhD student is a completed Master degree (or equivalent). Fulfillment of the requirements which are outlined in the “Admission and Enrollment Policy” is evaluated formally as well as academically by the university. If the formal requirements are fulfilled, the final decision on acceptance lies with the prospective PhD Advisor. Studen...
      3.1 Admission
      The Dean’s letter of admission is the only valid and official offer of admission issued by the university. Prerequisite for the enrollment as a PhD student is a completed Master degree (or equivalent). Fulfillment of the requirements which are outlined in the “Admission and Enrollment Policy” is evaluated formally as well as academically by the university. If the formal requirements are fulfilled, the final decision on acceptance lies with the prospective PhD Advisor. Students already holding a PhD degree cannot apply for PhD studies leading to a PhD degree of the same denomination. The admission letter may include information on requirements that the PhD student needs to fulfill within a defined period of time after the enrollment as a PhD student in order to be allowed to continue and finish his/her PhD degree at Jacobs University In exceptional cases students holding a Bachelor degree may be admitted to PhD studies. Applications must be submitted by the potential PhD Advisor. Admission criteria are as follows:
      4. Applicants have to be among the best 10% of their study program.
      5. Applicants must submit a scientific transfer document, e.g., a publication. The nature of this transfer document is determined by the Dean based on a recommendation of the prospective PhD Advisor.
      6. Applicants must pass an oral examination in the respective research field evaluated by a committee consisting of the Dean of the respective focus area as well as two faculty members of the respective research field. The prospective PhD Advisor is not a member of this committee but may direct recommendations for potential members to the Dean.
      7. The committee decides on the scope of the oral examination, but as a rule it should not exceed 60 minutes.
      8. The committee may decide that the candidate has to attend additional courses, research
      seminars, or colloquia to improve the candidate's knowledge necessary for the PhD project.
  • Doctoral dissertation (thesis)
    • Extract from the dissertation regulations
      4.3 PhD Thesis
      The following rules apply to the PhD Thesis:
      PhD projects are defined as independent scientific work which advances the state of the art in the respective research field. Usually, the PhD Thesis summarizes this scientific work in writing and puts it into a larger context. As a rule, the PhD Thesis, reviews and the PhD Thesis Defense at Constructor University must be in English. Only for professional or contextual reasons the Dean may grant an exception to this rule.
      4.3 PhD Thesis
      The following rules apply to the PhD Thesis:
      PhD projects are defined as independent scientific work which advances the state of the art in the respective research field. Usually, the PhD Thesis summarizes this scientific work in writing and puts it into a larger context. As a rule, the PhD Thesis, reviews and the PhD Thesis Defense at Constructor University must be in English. Only for professional or contextual reasons the Dean may grant an exception to this rule.
      The Thesis must include:
      • a title page with name and logo of Constructor University, the name of the Academic Department, the title of the PhD Thesis, the degree aimed for, the author, and a list of all members of the Dissertation Committee with the Chair named first and by mentioning the full name, academic title and affiliation of each member. Cooperation partners and/or institutions may be named on the title page by adding the corresponding logo,
      • an English summary (irrespective of the language of the Thesis),
      • a (Statutory) Declaration on Authorship by the PhD student that the Thesis has been written independently and has not been submitted at another university for the conferral of a PhD degree,
      • a list of publications and conference contributions of the PhD student. If co-authored manuscripts are included in the PhD Thesis a “Statement on Contribution” and a "Declaration of Consent” as described below are required for that part of the PhD Thesis.
      It is possible to receive a PhD degree at Constructor University based on a cumulation of articles under the following conditions:
      • The articles need to be framed by an introduction (that develops the larger theoretical context of the Thesis), a discussion and a common thread that is leading through the different papers.
      • The number and status (published, accepted, submitted) of articles necessary is decided upon by the Dissertation Committee.
      • The student must submit, as an integral part of the Thesis, a “Statement on Contribution” defining his/her contribution to each article along with the PhD Thesis. The “Statement on Contribution” must also contain title, co-authors, journal, status, and date of submission/acceptance (if applicable). With his/her signature the student declares that all co-authors and the PhD Advisor agree with the information given in the “Statement on Contribution”.
      • Only articles with significant contributions of the candidate may be added to the cumulative
      PhD Thesis. Exceptions from this rule need acceptance by the Dissertation Committee.
      • Upon submission of a cumulative PhD Thesis the student must insure that the thesis does not contain any infringement of rights of third parties. With respect to all claims made by third parties against Constructor University for infringement of their rights by the thesis, the student will indemnify Constructor University against such claims at first request, including the necessary costs of legal defense. Prior to the publication of the PhD Thesis the PhD student must submit “Declarations of Consent” of all co-authors.
      The following number of copies of the Thesis must be submitted for review:
      • one hard copy per member of the Dissertation Committee,
      • one hard copy for Registrar Services,
      • one hard copy for the Dean,
      • one hard copy for display in the Information Resource Center (IRC).
      In addition, the PhD student must upload an electronic version of the Thesis to a plagiarism check platform defined by the university. The Registrar Services sends the Thesis to the reviewers, as well as to the other members of the Dissertation Committee, the Dean and the IRC. The Thesis must be on display at the IRC for at least two weeks before the Defense and thus made public to the Constructor University community.
      The reviewers are expected to submit their reviews of the PhD Thesis within eight weeks unless a shorter review period is agreed upon within the Dissertation Committee. At least three regular members of the Dissertation Committee, including one external member and the Chair of the Dissertation Committee, each furnish a written report. Additional members of the Dissertation Committee have to at least submit a written review or participate in the Defense. The reviewers submit their reviews to the Office for Doctoral Education. Reviews need to include a summary evaluation of the Thesis as “pass”, “fail" or "with distinction". In case amendments are necessary before a decision about pass or fail can be made, these need to be specified in the review.
      Once all reviews have been submitted, the Office for Doctoral Education distributes the reviews to the members of the Dissertation Committee, Registrar Services, and to the respective Dean. The reviews must be on display in the Office for Doctoral Education for a minimum of 5 working days prior to the day of the Defense (not counting the actual day of the Defense). The PhD student and Constructor University faculty are eligible to read the reviews. The PhD student may receive hard copies of the reviews in case the respective reviewer agrees. The PhD Thesis is accepted once the Dissertation Committee unanimously evaluates it as pass. In order for a PhD Thesis to be evaluated "with distinction", all reviews that have been submitted to the Office of Doctoral Education must suggest an evaluation "with distinction". If at least one member or all members of the Dissertation Committee evaluate the Thesis as “fail”, the evaluation process is stopped and the Chair of the Dissertation Committee is informed by the Office of Doctoral Education. The Chair of the Dissertation Committee, in cooperation with the Dean, determines whether the PhD student can resubmit the PhD Thesis and under what conditions. In case of detected plagiarism the evaluation process is stopped and the Dissertation Committee meets to review the case. If the suspected plagiarism is substantiated, the Thesis may not be resubmitted.
    • May be written in English Yes
    • Collective dissertation No details available
    • May be written in other foreign language(s) No details available
    • Cumulative dissertation No details available
  • Cooperation Programme
    • 3. Double and Joint PhD Degrees
      Double registration at Constructor University and one other university is possible if formal cooperation contracts are in place. Such contracts can define double or joint degrees. In case of double degrees each university issues a certificate awarding a degree in the same research field. The certificate is only valid in connection with the certificate of the partner institution and must contain a respective reference. In case of joint degrees only one joint...
      3. Double and Joint PhD Degrees
      Double registration at Constructor University and one other university is possible if formal cooperation contracts are in place. Such contracts can define double or joint degrees. In case of double degrees each university issues a certificate awarding a degree in the same research field. The certificate is only valid in connection with the certificate of the partner institution and must contain a respective reference. In case of joint degrees only one joint certificate is issued. As a rule, the policies for PhD studies at Constructor University apply or, in case of joint degrees, the regulations as specified in the respective contract.

      The following rules apply to double degrees only:
      In case of double degrees an agreement with the partner university defines the arrangements between the universities. The agreement is to be fully determined at the beginning of the PhD studies (within the first 6 months) at Constructor University. It is the PhD student’s responsibility to fulfill the respective requirements at both universities.
      The agreement stipulates:
      • who supervises the Thesis at each of the universities
      • the mutual study visits of the PhD student, covering of travel expenses
      • how the oral PhD Thesis Defense / examination / reviews are administered respectively
      • the composition of the Dissertation Committee and that PhD Advisors of each university belong to this committee
      • that the language of the Thesis and the summary should be in accordance with the institutions involved
      • use of intellectual property
      • which policies govern the publication of the PhD Thesis in case both partner universities have such policies, and which university supervises and confirms the publication. Exceptions to the general PhD policy apply as follows: Each Dissertation Committee has two Chairs, which are the respective Advisors of the PhD Thesis. The external member of the Dissertation Committee must not be a faculty member of the partner university. The agreement between the partner universities defines where the PhD Proposal Defense as well as the PhD Thesis Defense take place. The logo and name of the partner institution should be displayed on the title page of the PhD Thesis.
  • Institutional Information
    • Information portal to German research institutions.

      The GERiT information portal provides access to more than 25,000 German research institutions. Clicking on the logo will take you directly to information about the research institutes of the university currently displayed in the Hochschulkompass.

  • Doctoral study regulations
    • Date of current version 01.09.2016
    • Homepage Internet page
    • Source Internetseite der Hochschule
    • Source Internetseite der Hochschule
    • Last amended 01.10.2024
  • University Portrait
    „We ensure academic excellence and equip our students with fundamental knowledge, ultimately empowering them to address the world’s most pressing challenges.”
    Dr. Stanislav Protasov
    President of Constructor University Bremen
    Image: View of the Jacobs University
    Academic excellence with a global perspective

    Studying in an international community, in the middle of Germany: at Jacobs University this is everyday life. The private, English-speaking campus university qualifies students from over 120 countries for an increasingly digitized and globalized society. Jacobs University offers study programs in the natural sciences as well as in the humanities and social sciences at a high academic level.

    Icon: uebersicht
    private, English-speaking campus university qualifies students from over 120 countries
    Icon: uebersicht
    with the Foundation Year students can gain an insight into various subjects
    Interdisciplinary and practice-oriented teaching from the first semester

    Teaching and research at Jacobs University is mirrored in three Focus Areas: Mobility, Health and Diversity. They are comparable to the faculties at other German universities.
    The language of instruction is English. Small learning groups and active involvement in research projects from the first semester onwards are characteristic of the study programs, just like an interdisciplinary teaching approach.
    Jacobs University offers education ranging from Bachelor's and Master's degrees to doctorates. These degrees can be obtained in the natural sciences as well as in the humanities and social sciences - in private higher education this is unique in Germany.
    With the Foundation Year, Jacobs University also offers an orientation year in which students can gain an insight into various subjects before deciding on their future course of study.

    Icon: studium
    Teaching and research is mirrored in three Focus Areas: Mobility, Health and Diversity.
    Icon: studium
    offers education ranging from Bachelor's and Master's degrees to doctorates
    Research and industrial practice

    Equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities, at Jacobs University scientists from various disciplines and fields conduct research. Interdisciplinarity is just as important as in teaching.
    Jacobs University cooperates with more than 1000 partners from business and science worldwide: the university’s research projects are funded by the German Research Foundation or the EU Research and Innovation program as well as by globally leading companies.

    Icon: forschung
    cooperates with more than 1000 partners from business and science worldwide.
    Icon: forschung
    promotes beneficial cooperation between science, business and the public sector
    Image: Students celebrate their graduation.
    Image: Students on campus
    Image: Students working in the laboratory.

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