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Your search criteria Institution: Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien HannoverProfile
Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover
- Governing Body Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Prömel
- Number of Students 1.395 (WS 2023/2024)
- University Type Künstlerische Hochschulen
- Doctoral Granting Yes
- Funding Body öffentlich-rechtlich
- Habilitation Granting Yes
- Founding Year 1897
- Federal State Niedersachsen
Street / postal (mailing) address
- Street address Neues Haus 1, 30175 Hannover
- E-Mail hmtm(at)
- Phone 0511 3100-200
Contact / contact person
Governing body
- Visitors' address Neues Haus 1, 30175 Hannover
- Fax 0511 3100-300
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 0511 3100-231
- E-Mail praesidialbuero(at)
- Präsident (m.d.W.dG.b.) Herr Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Prömel
- from 01.07.2024 until (unlimited)
- Phone 0511 3100-231
- E-Mail praesidialbuero(at)
- In office since 01.07.2024
- Fax 0511 3100-300
- Kanzler NN
- Fax 0511 3100-7200
- Phone 0511 3100-1
- E-Mail hmt(at)
- Vizepräsidentin Frau Prof. Dr. Eva Baumann
- Phone 0511 3100-447
- Responsibility Wissenschaft
- E-Mail eva.baumann(at)
- Vizepräsident Herr Prof. Oliver Wille
- Phone 0511 3100-231
- Responsibility Kunst
- E-Mail oliver.wille(at)
- Vizepräsident Herr Prof. Guido Heidloff Herzig
- Phone 0511 3100-231
- Responsibility Studium und Lehre
- E-Mail guido.heidloff(at)
- Hauptberuflicher Vizepräsident Herr Dr. Michael Müller-Bahns
- Phone 0511 3100-7220
- In office since 01.04.2024
- E-Mail michael.mueller-bahns(at)
Akadem. Auslandsamt
- Visitors' address Hindenburgstr. 2- 4, 30175 Hannover
- Fax 0511 3100-7368
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 0511 3100-7369
- E-Mail internationaloffice(at)
- International Office Frau Meike Marten (M.A.)
- Phone 0511 3100-7369
- Behindertenbeauftragte
- Visitors' address Hindenburgstraße 2-4, 30175 Hannover
- Fax 0511 3100-7600
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 0511 3100-7631
- E-Mail raimund.vogels(at)
- Behindertenbeauftragter Herr Prof. Dr. Raimund Vogels
- Phone 0511 3100-7631
- Career Center (no data available)
- Frauenbeauftragte
- Visitors' address Hindenburgstraße 2-4, 30175 Hannover
- E-Mail birgit.fritzen(at)
- Phone 0511 3100-7620
- Internet page Contact Page
- Gleichstellungsbeauftragte Frau Birgit Fritzen
- Phone 0511 3100-7620
- Pressestelle
- Visitors' address Neues Haus 1, 30175 Hannover
- Fax 0511 3100-361
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 0511 3100-281
- E-Mail pressestelle(at)
- Studienberatung
- Visitors' address Neues Haus 1, 30175 Hannover
- Fax 0511 3100 7200
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 0511 3100 7223
- E-Mail hmtm(at)
- Studierendensekretariat
- Visitors' address Hindenburgstraße 2-4, 30175 Hannover
- Fax 0511 3100-7200
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 0511 3100-7255
- E-Mail hmtm(at)
- Studierendenvertretung
- Visitors' address Neues Haus 1, 30175 Hannover
- Fax 0511 3100-336
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 0511 3100-236
- E-Mail asta(at)
- Weiterbildungszentrum
- Visitors' address Seelhorststraße 3, 30175 Hannover
- Fax 0511 3100-7643
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 0511 3100-7602
- E-Mail kjetzold(at)
- Fort- und Weiterbildung Herr Prof. Klaus-Jürgen Etzold
- Responsibility "Accompagnato!" Musiklehrer-Fortbildung
- E-Mail kjetzold(at)
- Phone 0511 3100-7602
- University-wide Dates and Deadlines
- Sommersemester
- Lecture period
01.04.2025 — 30.09.2025
- Wintersemester
- Lecture period
01.10.2024 — 31.03.2025
Deadlines for Undergraduate Programmes
Deadlines With Local Admission Restrictions
- Beginning Students
- Application deadline for foreigners from EU-Members States
- Application deadline for foreigners from non-EU-Members States
Deadlines Without Admission Restrictions- Beginning Students
- Application deadline for foreigners from EU-Members States
- Application deadline for foreigners from non-EU-Members States
Deadlines for Graduate Programmes
Deadlines With Local Admission Restrictions
- Beginning Students
- Application deadline for foreigners from EU-Members States
- Application deadline for foreigners from non-EU-Members States
Deadlines Without Admission Restrictions- Beginning Students
- Application deadline for foreigners from EU-Members States
- Application deadline for foreigners from non-EU-Members States
- Fields of Study
- Doctoral studies offered
- International Cooperation
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