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Your search criteria Institution: Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin- Governing Body Prof. Dr. Bettina Völter
- Number of Students 4.299 (WS 2023/2024)
- University Type Fachhochschulen / HAW
- Doctoral Granting No
- Funding Body öffentlich-rechtlich
- Habilitation Granting No
- Founding Year 1971
- Federal State Berlin
sciences in Germany, that is dedicated to the fields of social work, health and early childhood education (so called SAGE). It is active in research but is also a practice-oriented university. With its interdisciplinary studies, and an international network of research partnerships, ASH Berlin offers its students career and further educational perspectives in the SAGE disciplines. In order to promote professionalization in these professional fields, the ASH Berlin promotes the academization of the SAGE professions.
The unique profile of Alice Salomon Hochschule is rooted in its exciting history. Filling principles such as interdisciplinarity, equal opportunities and family equality, health promotion and cosmopolitanism with life contributes to the high quality of studies, teaching and research. The democratic participation of all university groups characterizes university life in particular.
The university offers seven foundational bachelor’s and four consecutive master’s programs. Numerous advanced master's courses and offers from the center for further education are open to interested parties from various professional fields.
In order to increase the permeability between university studies and vocational education, crediting procedures for study-related achievements apply to all bachelor’s courses.
Cross-curricular work makes it possible to think outside the box and promotes new approaches. The teaching profile of the ASH Berlin also focuses on the topics of cultural education and diversity, including gender and queer studies as well as racism and migration. Students are also involved in research projects and enabled to conduct independent research up to a doctorate.
Supporting young academics is a major concern for ASH Berlin. Students at the university participate in research projects and are given the tools to carry out independent research in order to successfully complete their doctoral programmes.
Research is an integral part of the development of higher education. ASH Berlin promotes the research endeavors of university lecturers and raises considerable third-party funding. ASH Berlin is in constant, productive dialogue with the fields of practice, thus ensuring the orientation of application and practical relevance of its research activities.
At the same time, it contributes to the continued innovative development of practice, in particular by means of numerous publications. Strengthening research at Berlin universities and promoting the transfer of knowledge and technology into practice is the goal of the Institute for Applied Research (IFAF) Berlin.
ASH Berlin has an excellent international network and maintains a range of cooperative relations with various universities and institutions abroad. Whether study visits, a semester abroad, or personnel mobility. ASH Berlin fosters cooperation with more than 100 institutions of higher education in 30 countries, benefiting students, teachers and non-teaching staff alike.
All members of the university can take advantage of European Union exchange programmes and in particular the Erasmus+ education programme in order to go abroad with financial support. The necessary foreign language skills can be attained among other things via the foreign language programme of ASH Berlin.
In the “International Curriculum” lectures are offered in English, Spanish and Turkish and include the joint participation of students from Germany and other countries. In order to assist international students in settling in, the International Office offers comprehensive support programme.
Street / postal (mailing) address
- Street address Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin
- E-Mail ash(at)
- Phone 030 99245-125
Contact / contact person
Governing body
- Visitors' address Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin
- Fax 030 99245-594
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 030 99245-311
- E-Mail rektorat(at)
- Rektorin Frau Prof. Dr. Bettina Völter
- from 01.10.2022 until 30.09.2026
- Responsibility Forschung, Internationales, Kooperationen, Diversity- und Gendermainstreaming
- E-Mail rektorin(at)
- In office since 01.10.2018
- Phone 030 99245-407
- Prorektorin Frau Prof. Dr. Dagmar Bergs-Winkels
- Phone 030 99245-311
- Responsibility Studium, Lehre, Weiterbildung
- E-Mail icm(at)
- Kanzlerin Frau Jana Einsporn
- E-Mail kanzlerin(at)
- Phone 030 99245-305
- Prorektor Herr Prof. Dr. Olaf Neumann
- Phone 030 99245-501
- Responsibility Forschung, Internationales, Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses
- E-Mail rektorat(at)
Akadem. Auslandsamt
- Visitors' address Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin
- Fax 030 99245-245
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 030 99245-304
- E-Mail gropp(at)
- International Office Frau Irene Gropp
- Phone 030 99245-304
- E-Mail gropp(at)
- Behindertenbeauftragte
- Visitors' address Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin
- E-Mail barrierefrei(at)
- Phone 030 99245-443
- Internet page Contact Page
- Beauftragte für Belange von Studierenden mit Behinderung, chron. Krankheiten und psych. Beeinträchtigungen Frau Cindy Lautenbach
- Phone 030 99245-283
- Internet page Contact Page
- Career Center
- Visitors' address Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin
- Fax 030 99245-245
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 030 99245-155
- E-Mail karriereplanung(at)
- Karriereplanung Herr Dr. Hans-Jürgen Lorenz
- Phone 030 99245-155
- Frauenbeauftragte
- Visitors' address Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin
- Fax 030 99245-245
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 030 99245320
- E-Mail frauenbeauftragte(at)
- Frauenbeauftragte Frau Simone Wibbeke
- Phone 030 99245321
- Internet page Contact Page
- Pressestelle
- Visitors' address Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin
- Fax 030 99245-444
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 030 99245-426
- E-Mail hochschulkommunikation(at)
- Referat Hochschulkommunikation Frau Christiane Schwausch
- Phone 030 99245-426
- Internet page Contact Page
- Studienberatung
- Visitors' address Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin
- Fax 030 99245-245
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 030 99245-125
- E-Mail studienberatung(at)
- Allgemeine Studienberatung Frau Anna Kuhlage
- Responsibility Allgemeine Studienberatung
- E-Mail studienberatung(at)
- Phone 030 99245-125
- Studierendensekretariat
- Visitors' address Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin
- Fax 030 99245-245
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 030 99245-325
- E-Mail immatrikulationsverwaltung(at)
- Studierendenservicecenter Frau Claudia Hellerung
- Phone 030 99245375
- E-Mail hellerung(at)
- Studierendenvertretung
- Visitors' address Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin
- Fax 030 99245-367
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 030 99245-367
- E-Mail asta(at)
- Weiterbildungszentrum
- Visitors' address Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 030 99245319
- Zentrum für Weiterbildung Frau Magdalena Malyga
- Phone 030 99245331
- Internet page Contact Page
- E-Mail malyga(at)
- Visitors' address Alice-Salomon-Platz 5, 12627 Berlin
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 030 99245319
- Zentrum für Weiterbildung Frau Annett Eckloff
- Phone 030 99245319
- E-Mail eckloff(at)
- University-wide Dates and Deadlines
- Sommersemester
- Lecture period
01.04.2025 — 30.09.2025
Deadlines for Undergraduate Programmes
Deadlines With Local Admission Restrictions
- Beginning Students
01.12.2025 — 15.01.2026
- Advanced Semester
01.12.2025 — 15.01.2026
- Application deadline for foreigners from EU-Members States
01.12.2025 — 15.01.2026
- Application deadline for foreigners from non-EU-Members States
Deadlines Without Admission Restrictions- Beginning Students
- Advanced Semester
- Application deadline for foreigners from EU-Members States
- Application deadline for foreigners from non-EU-Members States
- Courses with differing deadlines
- Wintersemester
- Lecture period
01.10.2024 — 31.03.2025
Deadlines for Undergraduate Programmes
Deadlines With Local Admission Restrictions
- Beginning Students
01.06.2025 — 15.07.2025
- Advanced Semester
01.06.2025 — 15.07.2025
- Application deadline for foreigners from EU-Members States
01.06.2025 — 15.07.2025
- Application deadline for foreigners from non-EU-Members States
01.06.2025 — 15.07.2025
Deadlines Without Admission Restrictions- Beginning Students
- Advanced Semester
- Application deadline for foreigners from EU-Members States
- Application deadline for foreigners from non-EU-Members States
Deadlines for Graduate Programmes
Deadlines Without Admission Restrictions
- Beginning Students
- 15.01. (SoSe) bzw. 15.07.(WiSe) des jeweiligen Jahres. Gesonderte Regelungen für Ergo-/Physiotherapie und die Masterstudiengänge, siehe entsprechende Webseiten.
- Advanced Semester
- gem. Zulassungsbescheid
- Courses with differing deadlines
- Fields of Study
- International Cooperation
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