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Your search criteria Institution: Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden
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Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden
„Dance is a resource for life. The Palucca University of Dance Dresden is a creative and open campus with the task of actively shaping the present and future of dance as an art form.”
Prof. Katharina Christl
Rector of Palucca University of Dance Dresden
Image: Students dance at a palucca university dance event.
Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden
  • Governing Body Prof. Katharina Christl
  • Number of Students 168 (WS 2023/2024)
  • University Type Künstlerische Hochschulen
  • Doctoral Granting No
  • Funding Body öffentlich-rechtlich
  • Habilitation Granting No
  • Founding Year 1925
  • Federal State Sachsen
Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden on Social Media:
Germany's only independent university for dance

The Palucca University of Dance Dresden, Germany's only independent university for dance, offers an interdisciplinary education in the degree programmes Bachelor Dance, Master Dance Teacher (full-time study or part-time study) as well as Master Choreography. In addition, there is the possibility of a Artistic Master Class programme for the individual deepening of artistic abilities and skills in the areas of dance, choreography or dance pedagogy.

An international network of cooperation partners enables an active exchange of artistic staff worldwide and at the same time offers selected students the opportunity to gain numerous stage experiences, for example as part of the certified Apprentice programme. In addition to a boarding school, the Palucca University of Dance Dresden also has its own physiotherapy, a library and an archive.

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offers an interdisciplinary education in the degree programmes Bachelor Dance, Master Dance Teacher as well as Master Choreography
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an international network of cooperation partners enables an active exchange of artistic staff worldwide
Individual supervision and personal support

The dance education at Palucca University of Dance Dresden can begin at the age of ten in a secondary school integrated into the university, which includes a comprehensive school education with a secondary school diploma. Interdisciplinarity, working in partnership and life long learning are important starting points for the complete dance education. The curriculum is based on the three pillars of Ballet, Contemporary/Modern Dance and Improvisation. The aim is to find a common approach that breaks down the barriers between these different techniques. Throughout the whole study, the three pillars will be further developed, supported by a broad selection of supplementary subjects. The combination of theory and practice enables the students to develop into independent, creative thinking people who contribute themselves creatively to various professional situations and creative processes.

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The focus of the educational programmes is the individual and the development of their unique abilities and skills.
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The curriculum is based on the three pillars of Ballet, Contemporary/Modern Dance and Improvisation.
Image: Students in the first year of Bachelor's programme one practise dancing.
Image: Students dance at the 2018 soiree.

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