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Your search criteria Institution: Fachhochschule für Interkulturelle Theologie HermannsburgProfile
Fachhochschule für Interkulturelle Theologie Hermannsburg
- Governing Body Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Richebächer
- Number of Students 69 (WS 2023/2024)
- University Type Fachhochschulen / HAW
- Doctoral Granting No
- Funding Body privat, staatlich anerkannt
- Habilitation Granting No
- Founding Year 2012
- Federal State Niedersachsen
Street / postal (mailing) address
- Street address Missionsstraße 3-5, 29320 Hermannsburg
- E-Mail office(at)
- Phone 05052 48101-0
Contact / contact person
Governing body
- Visitors' address Missionsstraße 3-5, 29320 Hermannsburg
- Fax 05052 48101-99
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 05052 48101-0
- E-Mail office(at)
- Rektor Herr Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Richebächer
- from 01.10.2018 until 30.09.2022
- Phone 05052 48101-0
- E-Mail w.richebaecher(at)
- In office since 01.10.2018
- Fax 05052 48101-99
- Prorektorin Frau Prof. Dr. Gabriele Beckmann
- Phone 05052 48101-36
- Responsibility Studienangelegenheiten
- E-Mail g.beckmann(at)
- Geschäftsführer Herr Erich Fiebig
- Phone 0152 33925522
- Responsibility Geschäftsführung
- E-Mail e.fiebig(at)
- Akadem. Auslandsamt (no data available)
- Behindertenbeauftragte (no data available)
- Career Center (no data available)
- Frauenbeauftragte (no data available)
- Pressestelle (no data available)
- Visitors' address Missionsstr. 3-5, 29320 Hermannsburg
- Fax 05052 48101-99
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 05052 48101-0
- E-Mail office(at)
- Studierendensekretariat Frau Dietlinde Rückert
- Phone 05052 48101-0
- Internet page Contact Page
- E-Mail office(at)
- Studierendensekretariat
- Visitors' address Missionsstraße 3-5, 29320 Hermannsburg
- E-Mail office(at)
- Phone 05052 48101-0
- Internet page Contact Page
- Studierendensekretariat Frau Dietlinde Rückert
- Phone 05052 48101-0
- Internet page Contact Page
- E-Mail office(at)
- Studierendenvertretung (no data available)
- Weiterbildungszentrum (no data available)
University-wide Dates and Deadlines
- Sommersemester
- no data available
- Wintersemester
- Lecture period
Deadlines for Undergraduate Programmes
Deadlines Without Admission Restrictions
- Beginning Students
- enfällt
- Application deadline for foreigners from EU-Members States
- Application deadline for foreigners from non-EU-Members States
Deadlines for Graduate Programmes
Deadlines Without Admission Restrictions
- Beginning Students
- enfällt
- Application deadline for foreigners from EU-Members States
- Application deadline for foreigners from non-EU-Members States
Governing body
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