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Your search criteria Institution: Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
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Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
„The University of Bamberg is both old and young. Future-oriented structures and facilities might suggest a recent foundation – but it has a long history and maintains its commitment to its tradition to this day”
Prof. Dr. Kai Fischbach
President of the University of Bamberg
Image: Students sitting on the banks of the Main, Bamberg in the background.
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
  • Governing Body Prof. Dr. Kai Fischbach
  • Number of Students 10.734 (WS 2023/2024)
  • University Type Universitäten
  • Doctoral Granting Yes
  • Funding Body öffentlich-rechtlich
  • Habilitation Granting Yes
  • Founding Year 1647
  • Federal State Bayern
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg on Social Media:
A modern university with a long tradition

Since the 17th century, the University of Bamberg has seen itself explicitly as a "House of Wisdom". It was founded in 1647 by Prince-Bishop Melchior Otto Voit of Salzburg as a centre for contemporary humanistic education. Today, it houses four faculties: Humanities; Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration; Human Sciences and Education; and Information Systems and Applied Computer Science. The University of Bamberg promotes networking and partnerships with numerous foreign universities and research institutions. Each year, over 500 students take advantage of opportunities to study at one of the more than 300 partner universities in over 60 countries. Visiting professorships enable intensive model and knowledge transfer to Bamberg. In 2005, the University of Bamberg was awarded the Family-Friendly University Audit Certificate, and was most recently re-certified in 2021.  

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The excellent promotion of our young academics throughout the course of their studies and research careers is central to our philosophy.
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We promote networking and partnerships with numerous foreign universities and research institutions.
A state-of-the-art education in a World Heritage Site

Students can choose from roughly 100 Bachelor's, Master's and teacher training programmes as well as numerous modules for modular study programmes. Motivating students to think and work independently is a core tenet. Transfer from the theoretical to the practical is achieved through seminars, exercises or integrated internships designed for this purpose. Nearly all degree programmes in Bamberg can also be studied part-time. In recent decades, service processes and IT systems at the University of Bamberg have undergone large-scale modernisation. As a result, students can expect state-of-the-art studies – even on the historic campus of the World Heritage Site. 

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Students can choose from roughly 100 Bachelor's, Master's and teacher training programmes.
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Motivating students to think and work independently is a core tenet.
Excellent research – interdisciplinary and international

Interdisciplinary and international networking are key strengths of the University of Bamberg. Excellent interdisciplinary research oriented towards international standards is a core characteristic of the University's profile in four particular areas: Digital Humanities, Social Sciences and Human Sciences with close cooperation between computer scientists and the University's other subjects; Empirical Social Research on Education and Labour with an emphasis on empirical educational research; Analysis and Preservation of Cultural Heritage with close cooperation between heritage conservation studies, computer science and art history; and Medieval Culture and Society, in which various fields of the humanities and cultural studies cooperate. Researchers work closely with the University's two affiliated institutes: the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) and the State Institute for Family Research at the University of Bamberg (ifb).

„Our research endeavours will continue to develop dynamically – among other things through the cooperation of computer science with other departments and the dissemination of knowledge into the region.”
Prof. Dr. Thomas Saalfeld
Vice President for Research and Early-career Scholars of the University of Bamberg
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Interdisciplinary and international networking are key strengths.
Icon: forschung
Excellent interdisciplinary research oriented towards international standards is a core characteristic.
Image: Student in the library of the University of Bamberg
Image: Closeup glowing light bulb with many pencils

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