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  • University Hochschule für Musik Saar
  • Location Saarbrücken
  • Degree Teaching subjects for primary and secondary level 1
  • Study Type Undergraduate
  • Modes of study full-time
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Theology, Protestant

  • University Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Location Erlangen
  • Degree Theological Examination
  • Study Type Undergraduate
  • Modes of study full-time
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Theology, Protestant

  • University Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau
  • Location Neuendettelsau
  • Degree Theological Examination
  • Study Type Undergraduate
  • Modes of study full-time
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Protestant Theology

  • University Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
  • Location Tübingen
  • Degree Theological Service Examination
  • Study Type Undergraduate
  • Modes of study full-time
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Protestant Theology for Professionally Qualified: Church academic degree

  • University Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
  • Location Tübingen
  • Degree Theological Service Examination
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Modes of study while in employment
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Orientierung Informatik _ Vor-Semester

  • University Hochschule Furtwangen - Informatik, Technik, Wirtschaft, Medien, Gesundheit
  • Location Furtwangen
  • Degree Zertifikat
  • Study Type Undergraduate
  • Modes of study full-time
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Orientierung Technik_Vor-Semester

  • University Hochschule Furtwangen - Informatik, Technik, Wirtschaft, Medien, Gesundheit
  • Location Furtwangen
  • Degree Zertifikat
  • Study Type Undergraduate
  • Modes of study full-time
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