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Applied Psychology for Managers

  • University Hochschule Fresenius
  • Location Köln
  • Degree Master of Arts
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Modes of study distance learning
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Applied Quantitative Finance, ext. study programme - Academy of Continuing Education -

  • University Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen
  • Location Nürtingen
  • Degree Master of Business Administration
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Modes of study while in employment
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Applied Research and Development in Engineering Sciences

  • University Technische Hochschule Rosenheim
  • Location Rosenheim
  • Degree Master of Science (MSc)
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Modes of study full-time
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Applied Research in Computer Science

  • University Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Hof
  • Location Hof
  • Degree Master
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Modes of study full-time
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Applied research in engineering

  • University Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg
  • Location Aschaffenburg
  • Degree Master
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Modes of study full-time
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Applied Research in Engineering Sciences

  • University Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden
  • Location Amberg
  • Degree Master's in Engineering
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Modes of study full-time
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Applied Research in Engineering Sciences

  • University Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Ansbach
  • Location Ansbach
  • Degree Master of Science
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Modes of study full-time
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Applied Research in Engineering Sciences

  • University Technische Hochschule Deggendorf
  • Location Deggendorf
  • Degree Master of Science degree
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Modes of study full-time
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Applied Research in Engineering Sciences

  • University Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
  • Location Ingolstadt
  • Degree Master of Science
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Modes of study full-time
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Applied Research in Engineering Sciences

  • University Hochschule Landshut - Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften
  • Location Landshut
  • Degree Master of Science degree
  • Study Type Second cycle
  • Modes of study full-time
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