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Your search criteria Institution: Hochschule Fresenius- Governing Body Dr. Ehrenberger Evelyn
- Number of Students 16.028 (WS 2023/2024)
- University Type Fachhochschulen / HAW
- Doctoral Granting No
- Funding Body privat, staatlich anerkannt
- Habilitation Granting No
- Founding Year 1848
- Federal State Hessen
In 1848, Carl Remigius Fresenius opened his "Chemical Laboratory" in Wiesbaden - and thus laid the foundation for our university. The laboratory also included a chemistry school, where Carl Remigius dedicated himself to educate the next generation of professionals.
Since then, much has happened in the last more than 170 years. The educational institution that Hochschule Fresenius is today has passed for a lot of changes and development. What remained throughout all this time, is the passion to educate and accompany (young) people on their professional journey and in their personal development. It’s still at the core of everything we do today.
With around 18,000 students, we are one of the largest and most renowned private universities in Germany. Five departments and nine locations across Germany illustrate our diversity in the range of courses and study formats we offer: you can choose between full-time and part-time studies on the campus and also flexible distance learning.
The cornerstones of the academic work are studying and teaching. Thereby as a student you are always at the center of our activities. Our benchmark is your learning success. Continuous teaching evaluations help to make our goals measurable and sustainably responsible.
Practical, real issues and the social relevance of each project are the focus of every research activity at Hochschule Fresenius. The results make backgrounds, causes and impacts visible and form the basis for profound changes and innovations in all areas.
We offer you as a foreign student ten different study programs in English at Hochschule Fresenius. You can choose between a great variety of study programs, such as fashion, chemistries, international business or sustainability in fashion industry. Many of the German-speaking students at Hochschule Fresenius gain international and intercultural experience by spending a semester abroad. In our full-time business study programs, you have the option to make a so-called Integrated Semester Abroad in New York, Shanghai or Sydney, to participate in the ERASMUS program or to become a Freemover.
Street / postal (mailing) address
- Street address Limburger Straße 2, 65510 Idstein
- E-Mail beratung(at)
- Phone 0800 3400400
Contact / contact person
Governing body
- Visitors' address Limburger Str. 2, 65510 Idstein
- Fax 06126 935210
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 06126 93520
- E-Mail idstein(at)
- Präsidentin Frau Dr. Ehrenberger Evelyn
- Phone 089 200037302
- Internet page Contact Page
- Kanzler NN
- E-Mail beratung(at)
- Phone 0800 7245834
Akadem. Auslandsamt
- Visitors' address Limburger Straße 2, 65510 Idstein
- E-Mail international(at)
- Phone 0611 71185626
- Internet page Contact Page
- Behindertenbeauftragte
- Phone 06126 93520
- E-Mail idstein(at)
- Fax 06126 935210
- Internet page Contact Page
- Behindertenbeauftragte Frau Anne Brinkmann
- Responsibility Standort Idstein
- E-Mail brinkmann(at)
- Phone 06126 9352-67
- Internet page Contact Page
- Career Center
- Visitors' address Limburger Straße 2, 65510 Idstein
- E-Mail career-center(at)
- Phone 0221 57773475
- Career Center Frau Eva-Maria Volkmar (, B.A.)
- Responsibility Fachbereich Wirtschaft & Medien
- E-Mail eva.volkmar(at)
- Phone 06126 9352803
- Internet page Contact Page
- Frauenbeauftragte
- Visitors' address Limburger Straße 2, 65510 Idstein
- Fax 06126 9352-10
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 06126 9352-47
- E-Mail janine.kart(at)
- Gleichstellungsbeauftragte Frau Janine Kart
- Phone 06126 9352-47
- Internet page Contact Page
- Pressestelle
- Visitors' address Limburger Straße 2, 65510 Idstein
- Fax 06126 9352-10
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 06126 9352-952
- E-Mail mareike.hochschild(at)
- Pressestelle Frau Melanie Hahn (M.A.)
- Responsibility Pressesprecherin
- E-Mail melanie.hahn(at)
- Phone 0221 973199-507
- Studienberatung
- Visitors' address Limburger Straße 2, 65510 Idstein
- E-Mail beratung(at)
- Phone 08003400400
- Internet page Contact Page
- Studierendensekretariat
- Visitors' address Limburger Str. 2, 65510 Idstein
- Fax 06126 935210
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 06126 9352-0
- E-Mail idstein(at)
- Studierendenvertretung
- Visitors' address Limburger Straße 2, 65510 Idstein
- Fax 06126 9352-10
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 06126 9352-77
- E-Mail asta(at)
- Weiterbildungszentrum
- Visitors' address Im MediaPark 4c, 50670 Köln
- Internet page Contact Page
- Studienkolleg NRW Frau Jialu Sun
- Phone 0221 973199593
- Internet page Contact Page
- E-Mail sun(at)
- Ancillary Locations
- Die Hochschule unterhält mindestens einen Standort mit Studienangeboten:
- Visitors' address Im Mediapark 4c, 50670 Köln
- Fax 0221 973199-86
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 0221 973199-10
- E-Mail koeln(at)
- Visitors' address Im MediaPark 4 d, 50670 Köln
- Internet page Contact Page
- E-Mail beratung(at)
Berlin (Fachbereich Design (AMD))
- Visitors' address Jägerstraße 32, 10117 Berlin
- E-Mail berlin(at)
- Phone 030 700157910
- Internet page Contact Page
- Visitors' address Jägerstraße 32, 10117 Berlin
- Internet page Contact Page
- E-Mail beratung(at)
Düsseldorf (Fachbereich Design (AMD))
- Visitors' address Platz der Ideen 2, 40476 Düsseldorf
- Fax 0211 38626-26
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 0211 38626-30
- E-Mail beratung(at)
- Visitors' address Franklinstraße 41-43, 40479 Düsseldorf
- Internet page Contact Page
- E-Mail beratung(at)
Frankfurt am Main
- Visitors' address Marienburgstraße, 60528 Frankfurt am Main
- Fax 069 247514260
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 069 247514250
- E-Mail gesundheit-frankfurt(at)
- Visitors' address Bessie-Coleman-Straße 7, 60549 Frankfurt - Flughafen
- Internet page Contact Page
- E-Mail beratung(at)
- Visitors' address Alte Rabestraße 1, 20148 Hamburg
- Fax 040 2263259-20
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 040 2263259-10
- E-Mail hamburg(at)
- Visitors' address Alte Rabenstraße 1, 20148 Hamburg
- Internet page Contact Page
- E-Mail beratung(at)
- Visitors' address Infanteriestraße 11a, 80797 München
- Fax 089 2000373-30
- Internet page Contact Page
- Phone 089 2000373-10
- E-Mail muenchen(at)
- Visitors' address Infanteriestr. 11, 80797 München
- Internet page Contact Page
- E-Mail beratung(at)
- Visitors' address Moritzstraße 17a, 65185 Wiesbaden
- E-Mail wiesbaden(at)
- Phone 0611 7118560
- Internet page Contact Page
Studienberatung - Wiesbaden
- Visitors' address Moritzstr. 17a, 65185 Wiesbaden
- Internet page Contact Page
- E-Mail beratung(at)
- University-wide Dates and Deadlines
- Sommersemester
- Lecture period
01.03.2025 — 31.08.2025
- Wintersemester
- Lecture period
01.09.2025 — 28.02.2026
Deadlines for Undergraduate Programmes
Deadlines Without Admission Restrictions
- Beginning Students
- Es existieren keine Bewerbungs- und Anmeldefristen. Es werden Verfahren zur Überprüfung der besonderen Eignung oder Fähigkeit, die zur Aufnahme eines Studiums befähigen, durchgeführt.
- Advanced Semester
- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich in unserem Hochschulsekretariat.
- Application deadline for foreigners from EU-Members States
- There are no application deadlines. There are special procedures to verify the qualifications or ability to qualify for study conducted.
- Application deadline for foreigners from non-EU-Members States
- There are no application deadlines. There are special procedures to verify the qualifications or ability to qualify for study conducted.
Deadlines for Graduate Programmes
Deadlines Without Admission Restrictions
- Beginning Students
- Es existieren keine Bewerbungs- und Anmeldefristen. Es werden Verfahren zur Überprüfung der besonderen Eignung oder Fähigkeit, die zur Aufnahme eines Studiums befähigen, durchgeführt.
- Advanced Semester
- Bitte erkundigen Sie sich in unserem Hochschulsekretariat.
- Application deadline for foreigners from EU-Members States
- There are no application deadlines. There are special procedures to verify the qualifications or ability to qualify for study conducted.
- Application deadline for foreigners from non-EU-Members States
- There are no application deadlines. There are special procedures to verify the qualifications or ability to qualify for study conducted.
- Courses with differing deadlines
- Fields of Study
- International Cooperation
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